Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains information from the event from 2022. It may be subject to change and has not yet been updated for 2025.

If you have any questions that are not on the FAQ page, please feel free to contact us for more info.

About larp

What is LARP?

LARP is short for Live Action Role-Playing. Participants become actor and audience, taking on a role and portraying that character. Instead of following a script, the story is told through improvisation and collaboration.

What kind of LARP is this?

This type of LARP is often called Nordic LARP, though terminology can sometimes vary. The important part is that it is light on the rules and easy to learn. There are no combat mechanics or character stats to remember. Simply stay immersed in your character and build your story with other participants around you through negotiation and improvisation.

Basic Info

When and where is it? How do we get there?

June 2 - June 5, 2022 at Whitewater State Park. It is a little less than 2 hours south of MSP airport, and there will be bus tickets for sale for players flying in. For more information, see the Venue page.

What’s the player count?

The maximum player count is 100 players. 

What’s it cost? What’s included in the ticket?

$145, with a "pay what you can" sliding scale from $50 to $250. Every ticket grants the participant entrance to the event, a bed in the cabin, and eight meals.

What are the optional costs/ticket add-ons?

We will have linen packages available to rent (price TBD). Additionally, charter bus tickets to and from the site are available for $35. More information about the venue can be found here

Where/How do I buy a ticket?

You can buy a ticket here.

Can I buy a ticket for the minimum and donate more later? Can I donate even if I can't make it to the event?

Absolutely. The easiest way to do so would be the donate button in the footer of this page!

Will there be NPC opportunities?

Absolutely. How many NPC slots are available will be determined after ticket sales go live.

What is your COVID policy?

While it's too early know what the situation will be like next summer and determine the specifics of our COVID policy, we expect to follow CDC guidelines for safety, sanitization, and vaccination. We will have more details as we get closer to the event.

More information about the venue can be found here


How many cabins are there?

There are 7 cabins for players. Each sleeps 18 people across three rooms. Yes, they will be named after animals. 

Are the cabins In-Character? Will there be a quiet and/or loud cabin?

Most cabins will be out of character, and participants will be able to choose who they bunk with. We could have a couple of in-character cabins at people’s request, but only if everyone in the cabin agrees. "Quiet" and/or "Loud" cabins will be available upon request. Cabin 4 or cabin 5, being the cabins furthest away from the lodge, are possible quiet cabins. Cabins 1 or cabin 7 are closest to the lodge and bathrooms and are the most likely loud cabins.

Where is Ops?

Ops, the location that staff will be operating out of, is in the 8th Cabin, cheekily named Opossum Cabin.

What buildings are wheelchair accessible?

The lodge is wheelchair accessible, as well as the restroom building and cabins number 1, 7, and 8. Cabins 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are NOT wheelchair accessible.


What will I do at this LARP?

The LARP offers a mix of camp activities, mysteries to investigate, cryptids to interact with, interpersonal drama, and more. You can find out more at the Event Information Page

How are characters created?

Players who are playing "unaware" humans, humans who have no idea that the supernatural exists, will have the option of either writing their own characters following guidelines and having that character reviewed by staff, or opting for a pre-written character if they don't feel like writing their own. If the characters are "informed" humans, who are aware of the supernatural, players will work with staff to come up with a character together. Hidden cryptid characters will be written by staff with requests and input by the players.

What are the guidelines for "Unaware" characters?

Coming soon! 

Can I play a cryptid? What kind of cryptid can I play?

We are creating brand new cryptids for this event, but our team is happy to work with you to capture the narrative, vibe, and/or aesthetic of a type of cryptid you have in mind. 

How many players will be "informed" humans? How many will be cryptids?

Most players (roughly 70%) will be playing "unaware" humans. The "informed" humans and cryptid player characters will be much more limited, with the "informed" making up about 20% of the player base and the cryptids making up 10%.

Will there be counselors?

Yes. There at least four counselors, one for each Branch, that will be played by volunteer NPCs or staff. They will be taking on the primary responsibilities of camp counselors, helping to give hints to plots and guide activities.  

What are Branches?

Branches are the groups campers are placed in for ease of logistics. They represent four different playstyles: 

For more on the Branches, see Camp Lore

Will there be a competition between the Branches?

No. We have seen the harmful effects in-character competition can have on the enjoyment and well-being of players. Branches will not compete against each other, and any behavior that uplifts a group or individual at the expense of another (e.g. bragging, mockery) will not be tolerated (unless negotiated with all involved - we're trying to avoid things like 'we're not last!' and negative associations between your out of character abilities and your in-character success). The only person you will be encouraged to be better than is yourself. 

Will there be combat?

Firstly, just who is getting into combat at summer camp? What are you doing? Don't fight the mysterious Persons In Black or cryptids! OR each other! In other words, combat, especially as it exists in other LARPs across North America, is not a part of this experience. Conflict resolution will require out-of-character negotiation with involved parties, improvisation, and compromise. You can find more information in our Player Handbook listed under Resources, and the pre-game workshops will also provide you with the tools you need to help negotiate conflict.

Can my character die?

No. The vibes for this LARP are chill/feel-good/spooky. Additionally, if a camper were to die (or mysteriously disappear) at camp, Camp Uncanny would definitely get shut down. We can absolutely accommodate non-fatal tragedies for your characters, though we ask that you contact staff with your idea so we can vibe check it. If your character meets with the PIB, disappears for a while, and comes back with no memories of their time at the camp, well, that sometimes happens (with your consent, of course).

Can I request a scene for my character?

We will not be offering scene requests. However, we may be open to cryptid requests. The process and limitations of these requests will be announced at a later time.