Event Information

This page contains information from the event from 2022. It may be subject to change and has not yet been updated for 2025.

Uncanny Valley is a larp where adults attend  summer camp to escape from modern life, engaging in relaxing summer camp activities and discovering the strange mysteries surrounding the camp.

About LARP

LARP is short for Live Action Role-Playing. Participants become actor and audience, taking on a role and portraying that character. Instead of following a script, the story is told through improvisation and collaboration. 

This particular LARP is light on the "game rules" and easy to learn. There are no combat mechanics or character stats to remember. Simply stay immersed in your character and build your story with other participants around you through negotiation and improvisation.


Uncanny Valley has space for 100 participants who are age 18 by the date of the event. Participants will play campers at a summer camp for adults. Most of these campers are regular people just trying to get away from the stress of the world and have a fun weekend at a camp. Some of these campers are humans who have gotten a glimpse at the supernatural and have heard rumors of the camp or the valley it is located in, and are here to investigate. A few campers may even be supernatural themselves, here to find others like them.


Hiking, crafting, sing-a-longs, sports, stargazing, s'mores, and more. Camp Uncanny is here to help you learn something fun and new! All campers will have a schedule that lists which camp activities will be available at which times, and a schedule will be posted in the dining hall showing what is offered when. During the day, campers can expect a variety of traditional (and not so traditional) summer camp activities, and perhaps a bit of strangeness around the edges of the camp. After the sun goes down, there will still be a few traditional summer camp activities, but night is when the valley is at its strangest.

While we will endeavor to make all activities as accessible as possible, some will vary in mobility (such as hiking), visibility (outdoors at night), and acoustics (campfire sing-a-longs). In these cases, there will always be accessible activities cross-scheduled so that everyone has options, depending on what they want to engage with.


Whitewater State Park Modern Group Center. For more information, see the Venue page.


June 2, 2022 - June 5, 2022

Participants check-in between noon and 2 pm on Thursday, June 2, and check-out is before 5pm on Sunday, June 5. Sunday is primarily set aside for debrief workshops, packing, cleaning, and final goodbyes.

How much?

Tickets to the event will be sold on a "pay what you can" sliding scale. The recommended price being $145, but any amount between $50 and $250 will be accepted. Those who are willing and able to pay more than $145 will be paying for those who cannot afford the recommended amount, as well as paying for production costs and staff labor.

All tickets entitle the player to the same benefits and amenities regardless of price, and include a bed in a cabin and 8 meals.