COVID-19 Policy

This page contains information from the event from 2022. It may be subject to change and has not yet been updated for 2025.

COVID-19 Policy

By the following definitions:

Fully vaccinated: one shot of Johnson & Johnson OR two shots of Moderna, Pfizer, etc, with the latest shot received no later than May 19, 2022
Booster shot: received no earlier than December 2, 2021, and no later than May 19, 2022
Negative PCR test results: from a test administered no earlier than 72 hours before arriving on site
Medical exemption: from your doctor, subject to confirmation by our medical staff

Participants must provide proof of one of the following conditions:

Proof can be submitted via the form below. Please submit proof of vaccination or medical exemption by May 20th. PCR test results may be submitted via the form, also found below, or may be presented to staff upon arriving on-site. As of 5/2/22, masks are not required but participants may choose to wear them. Participants must use hand sanitizer and wash hands often.

Free COVID-19 lab-based molecular testing resources [Walmart] [Rite Aid] (CA, CT, DE, MD, MA, MI, NV, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, WA) [Walgreens] [CVS] (lab-based PCR, self-collection kits and observed)


I don't understand the vaccination/booster/PCR requirements.

Anyone who is fully vaccinated and received their last booster shot before December 2, 2021 - six months prior to game - must provide negative PCR test results. You must be tested no more than 72 hours before your arrival on site. If you received your booster shot before December 2, 2021 and are not eligible for a second booster shot, then you must provide negative PCR test results. 

If you ARE eligible for a second booster shot, we highly encourage you to get it! If you do so by May 19th and submit proof, you do not need to get the PCR test (although we encourage that too).

For those who will need to submit PCR results, the form allows you to submit your vaccination proof now. There is an additional option for submitting your PCR results later. You may also present your PCR results to us on your phone/personal device upon arrival on site.

Is the PCR test required if you received your booster shot within six months of game?

It is not required, but we still strongly encourage players to get tested before coming to game (and regularly).

What’s the backup plan if PCR results don’t arrive in time for check-in?

If you have not received your PCR results by arrival on-site, you will be required to mask and socially distance until your test results come in. We will have masks available if you do not have one (although you should bring masks if you are traveling to/from game). If you have not received your PCR results by mealtime, you will be asked to eat outside (there will be seating). 

If you have not received your test results by Thursday evening, we can provide transportation to a motel ten minutes from the venue (and provide or coordinate return transportation in the morning). With sufficient proof that a PCR test was administered no more than 72 hours prior to arrival on-site, we are even willing to pay out-of-pocket to cover the cost.

Is [other type of test] allowed as proof in lieu of a PCR test?

The test must be a molecular test (PCR or NAAT), and the testing must be lab-based. 

Could I bring a rapid test of my own to take if my results did not come in on time?

You are welcome to bring a rapid test, and we will attempt to have some rapid tests on hand, but a negative result from a rapid test will not exempt you from the backup requirements detailed above. To satisfy the testing requirements, the result must be from a lab-based molecular test.

What is the reasoning behind not requiring testing for people who have received their booster shot within six months of game?

If someone is boosted within the six month window, the likelihood of them having COVID-19 is significantly reduced. We do encourage testing for everyone, to be responsible.

Is there scientific data supporting the timeline presented [booster within six months]? It feels arbitrary to say an extra month is invalid.

Yes, there is scientific data, and it can be found here. This data actually supports a smaller potential window. The goal was a responsible and reasonable balance of safety and access. The cutoff had to be made somewhere, and it was made at six months.

I have a question/issue/situation that isn't covered here.

If you have a scenario that isn't covered above or want to explore alternative options, please reach out! We do our best to think of solutions (and wording for those solutions) that can apply to everyone, but between a small staff and a large pool of participants with varying unique factors, we can easily miss things; that's just a mistake on our part. We want to do our best to accommodate everyone, and you have the best knowledge of your needs - please contact us so we can work with you to find solutions.

COVID-19 Form